Hello and welcome to the latest edition of our monthly Technology Insider newsletter.
Do you encourage your team to use their own mobile devices to look at company data? Many business owners and managers do this, as it’s convenient for everyone.
In this issue we look at the risks. In fact we’ve got 3 scary questions for you to ask yourself.
Also inside your newsletter:
· How to share a YouTube video so that it starts at a specific point
· The easy way to opt out of a long email threads that you’re being CCd in
· Do you encourage your team to use social media as part of their work? Or do you prefer some distance between what they post and your business’s name?
· Plus, the usual tech quiz and fun facts
As always, if you’ve got any feedback or questions about technology at all, please email us: team@itftech.co.uk. You can also call us on 01708 209924.
Enjoy reading your newsletter.
The ITF Team